“I love to help teams and individuals within organizations to reframe their usual way of looking, thinking and acting. And thereby enable them to see with new eyes. By itself then, new insights and actions arise”
Cynthia van der Zwan (1977) is an organizational psychologist and systemic coach. Her expertise lies in team and individual development. She advises the board and management teams in development projects aimed at optimizing collaboration and communication within the organization. Also, Cynthia is a coach for managers and employees. She helps them to discover their personal power and gain more insight in how to reach their full potential. In leadership programs Cynthia supports leaders to develop their personal leadership style and skills.
Typical in the approach of Cynthia is that she invites teams and individuals to explore deeper layers within themselves and to gain more insight in the source of recurrent behavioral patterns. Here for zooming out is necessary. Zooming out in terms of time (what has happened in the past?) as well as exploring the bigger organizational and/or personal context (where do we see similar patterns?). In her work Cynthia makes use of her broad experience and education in systemic looking and family and organizational constellations.
Primary expertise
Family and Organizational Constellations | Individual development and personal effectiveness | Team collaboration | Leadership development
Common requests of cliënts:
Family and organizational constellations
‘In our team we are confronted with recurrent ineffective behavioral patterns. Can you help us gain more insight in the source of these patterns and how to overcome them?
‘We have a feeling that specific events from the past still influences the way our organization functions and the way people act and behave. Can you help us gain a deeper insight in this and help us how to neutralize this influence?’
‘It seems like nobody in this part of the organization is willing and capable of taking full responsibility. Please help us to see through this pattern and how to change it’.
‘There is a huge amount of dissatisfaction in our organization. The things employees ask for and the resources we are able to provide as an organization are out of balance. Can you help us analyze what is causing this and how to restore this balance?’
Individual development and personal effectiveness
‘Can you help me to tune in more on what I really want and what I am good at?’
‘How can I create a better work-life balance for myself’?
‘Please help me to find ways as a manager to get my employees on board for the changes that are necessary’
‘How can I stimulate more responsibility and ownership in my team?’
Team collaboration
‘Help us to collaborate more effectively as a team and to make use of the available qualities and expertise’
‘Help us to better deal with tensions within our team and to solve conflicts in an effective way’
‘Please help us to overcome difficulties and pain from the past and to come to helpful agreements for the future’
Leadership development
‘Can you help us develop a leadership program for our managers in which they work on the (strategic) challenges they encounter within our organization and their personal growth as a leader ?’
‘We like to develop a personal leadership program for our high potentials in which they gain more insight into their core competences, talents, pitfalls, obstructing patterns etc.’